
first time henry meet clare tengah main pondok-pondok (henry 36...clare 6)

clare and henry (clare 20..henry 28)

cover depan novel!!!

Semalam sampai buku yang aku beli online!!! yeah!!! ni lah nak share dgan korang semua buku The time traveler's wife...aku baru bca separuh...god!! gripping! best giler! style berbeza lah dari yg lain...truly original...audrey niffengger kira macam jk rowling lah...but in the different genre lah...If you haven’t read Audrey Niffenegger’s “The Time Traveler’s Wife”, PLEASE read it. Don’t let the title fool you. novel nie xde lah sappy macam novel jiwang2 yang lain...  

the best is this book dah dibuat film...akan keluar kat cinema esok (us jek lah malaysia kena tunggu)...damn!! mari ramai2 kita tonton bila ditayangkan di malaysia ni...ok.


The Time Traveler's Wife, published in 2003, is the debut novel of American author Audrey Niffenegger. It is a love story about a man with a genetic disorder that causes him to time travel unpredictably, and about his wife, an artist who has to cope with his frequent absences and dangerous experiences. Niffenegger, frustrated in love when she began the work, wrote the story as a metaphor for her failed relationships. The tale's central relationship came to her in a flash one day and subsequently became the novel's title. The novel, which has been classified as both science fiction and romance, examines issues of love, loss, and free will. In particular, it uses time travel to explore miscommunication and distance in relationships. It also investigates deeper existential questions.

first time henry jumpa clare masa umur dia 36 and clare 6 tahun....cute kan...macam mana yer kalo benda ni terjadi kat aku...jumpa isteri masa umur 6 tahun tengah main pondok2! hahaahh mesti lawak....

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